Course in a mini-group

At Gabby Language School, we offer a wide range of language courses so that we can
meet the wide range of needs of our students. We understand that it doesn’t always suit
a set day, time or format for larger groups, which is why we can create mini
group courses. The course must have the same group goal, level of
knowledge and study plan.

Who is this course suitable for?
A mini-group course is ideal for students who:
 prefer smaller group sizes.
 Need flexibility in the time or days of the course.
 Are looking for a more individual approach from the tutor.
 Want to focus more intensively on specific language objectives.

What are the advantages of mini-group courses?
 Smaller number of students: more space for individual consultations.
 Flexible scheduling: Adapt the length and intensity of the course to your needs.
 Effective learning: More interaction with the instructor and fellow students.
 Personalised approach: Course content tailored to your exact needs.

How to enrol?
It’s easy! Fill out our contact form or contact us directly.
We’ll make a tailored quote for each student to ensure that
the course will meet your exact needs.

Join our satisfied students and start your language progression today in
friendly and supportive atmosphere of mini-group courses!

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