What are the rules, exceptions for PCR tests to the camp, what documentation is needed and what measures will be in the camps?
– Do we need a PCR test even if we are 10 years old? What is the age limit for exceptions?
According to the resolution, “children up to an age of 10 years“ have an exception to testing. A child under 10 years of age is considered to be a child who is 10 years old + 364 days (inclusive). So children who are under 11 do not need a test.
– What are the other exceptions to the compulsory PCR tests?
a) Children who are vaccinated more than 21 days after (a minimum of) the first dose
b) Children with a confirmation of recovery no older than 180 days
– Is a PCR test needed for DAY CAMPS?
Despite information from the press and media, according to the current resolution, only children who participate in children’s events lasting more than 4 days are obliged to prove themselves by PCR test, and therefore tests are not necessary in day camps. This was also confirmed to us by the Public Health Office, which issued the resolution.
– How do we register for the free PCR test?
Registration for the test takes place on the website korona.gov.sk in the section “Applying for Covid-19 testing”. You click on “I am interested in COVID-19 PCR test”. As the reason for the examination, you pick out “I’m going to a day / residential camp”.
– Can we choose a place of testing?
Based on the information provided in the form, you will be scheduled for Covid-19 testing. You will be advised of the place and time of testing by a text message sent to the cell phone number indicated in the electronic form, or you may by contacted by the staff of the Call Centre of the National Health Information Centre, to agree next steps with you.
You will get an appointment at a test site nearest to your whereabouts, i.e. to a location where you reside according to the information indicated in the form.
– Is there any possible way to get a different type of test (e.g. LAMP)
The Ministry of Health informs that only PCR tests are available currently. They work to make a choice of LAMP tests, but these tests are not allowed in all sampling sites, so they don’t know to tell us when they could make the choice available.
– How old must PCR be test?
It is enough to be tested once for the whole week. You need to show a valid test (no older than 72 hours OR an antigen test no older than 48 hours.)
– Will be your animators and staff tested?
Yes. Completely! The same conditions as children also apply to animators and staff – test, or vaccine 😉
– Who supervises compliance with hygiene and security rules in camp?
Každý náš tábor je nahlásený na príslušnom Úrade Verejného Zdravotníctva (RÚVZ), pracovníci RÚVZ kontrolujú dodržiavanie hygienických a epidemiologických opatrení, aby nedošlo k ohrozeniu zdravia detí. Naši zdravotníci sú poučení o nových sprísnených pravidlách, dbajú na hygienu detí, pravidelné vetranie, upratovanie a dezinfekciu priestorov.
Each of our camp is reported at the the competent Regional Office of Public Health (ROPH). Their administrators control compliance with hygiene and epidemiological measures to avoid threatening children’s health. Our healthcare professionals are instructed on new tightened rules, take care of children’s hygiene, regular ventilation, cleaning and disinfection of premises.
– Will be the camp capacity limited?
Mostly, we provide a cosy feel classroom climate camps with a lower number of participants. Well, the limited capacity of our camp does not concern us like last year.