Upper-Interm B2 OPEN

English for Higher Intermediate.

Gabby offers 8 levels of language courses according to the General International Framework of Reference for Languages (GIRF), with approximately 100 topics from everyday life, grammar levels, communication exercises and model situations.

Our team of professional language teachers, whether Slovak or foreign, will teach you a foreign language with enthusiasm and commitment and will also incorporate the cultural features of each language into the teaching: in a lively and dynamic way.

I can understand longer speeches and lectures if the subject matter is sufficiently familiar to me.
I can understand most films in the written language and understand a book in the original. I can carry on a normal conversation with native speakers, and actively participate in discussions on familiar topics, expressing and asserting my opinions, even if with grammatical errors.
I can write a detailed text on topics I am familiar with, write a report or paper.

Basic information

Upper-Intermediate B2

from 10.2.2025, from 16 55 – 18 25 h

3 months + 1 FREE, (valid if min. 8 students in the course) 1 x per week – 24 hours x 45 minutes

Classroom 6

169 EU (study material, refreshments and certificate)

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+421911 665 448 a info@gabby.sk