150 vyučovacích hodín ktoré sú rozdelené do 3 častí.
Podmienky prijatia do kurzu: zvládnutie gramatického testu na úrovni Upper-Intermediate (test si je možné urobiť v našej kancelárii po telefonickom dohovore termínu – 0911 / 790 793 )
Celý program je zostavený z 3 častí (gramatickej, konverzačnej a literárnej), ktoré sa paralelne striedajú počas celého jazykového kurzu:
Present and Imperative, Past, Present Perfect and Past Perfect, Future and Future Perfect, Questions, Modals, Adjectives and Adverbs, Gerunds and Infinitives, Phrasal Verbs, Nouns, Quantifiers, Articles, The Passive, The Conditional, Relative Clauses, Indirect Speech
Theatres, Cinemas, Concerts, Art Galleries, Cultural Relations with Other Countries, Education in English speaking countries and Slovakia, Holidays, Travelling, Means of Transport, Pollution, Environmental Problems, Free Time, Hobbies, The U.S.A (geography, industry, agriculture, institutions), Shopping, Great Britain (geography, industry, agriculture, institutions) Health Service, The System of Government in the U.S.A., Great Britain, Canada, Sports in Slovakia, Great Britain, the U.S.A. The History of Great Britain, Australia, New Zealand, The History of the U.S.A, My Family, Family Life, Human Relations, Postal Services, Letter – writing, Telephoning, Canada, Hotel Services, Restaurants, Tourist Industry, Holidays and other notable days in Great Britain and the U.S.A., Getting a Job, Problems of Unemployment, Food, Nutrition, Eating Habits, Vegetarianism and Other Diets, The Necessity of Studying Foreign Languages, Science and Technology
Major writers from earliest times set in their historical context (Old and Middle English literature, Elizabethan poetry, prose and drama, Restoration drama and prose, 18 th century poetry and prose, 19 th century poets and novelists, 20 th century novels and drama).
Major writers from colonial times set in their historical context (The rise of a national literature, the American renaissance, The Civil War, the era of realism and naturalism, the writers of the Lost Generation, poetry and drama, 20 th Century writers)
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